
Posts Tagged ‘consumer electronics’

Bug Labs – the LEGO of gadgets

March 19, 2008 2 comments

Have you ever heard or used LEGO® MINDSTORMS™? It lets you design and program real robots that do what you want them to. If not here is a demo

A New York City based startup named Bug Labs is now promising the same power to the minds with innovative designs in electronics/gadgets.

Bug base and modules

BUG helps you explore the realm of personalized devices and applications, and find ways to solve many of the problems current gadgets can’t.

For example, with BUG, you can easily assemble and program a GPS + digital camera device that automatically publishes geo-tagged photos as a web service. Integrating with an online photo-sharing service like Flickr is only a few more lines of code away, and now you have your own real-time, connected traffic-enabled mobile Webcam!

The platform is designed to enable a collaborative development environment. BUGnet, our online community, is tied in directly to the BUG SDK, which allows developers to connect with others, share information, and jointly build products or services.

Here is a video from CES, 2008. The Bug corner in the event was the center of attraction.